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Hey, Dev heads! Welcome to Dev Games 3085, where we dive into creating awesome games using Unreal Engine 5. In this series, we’ll build a multiplayer game from scratch, leveraging the latest features and tools UE5 has to offer. Our game? Battle of the Mics—a musical-based competition where two performers face off on stage while the audience votes for their favorite.

The Concept

  • Game Name: Battle of the Mics
  • Genre: Musical competition
  • Objective: Performers improvise lyrics and melodies based on the beat and theme.
  • Audience Interaction: Viewers can influence the outcome by voting.
  • Genres: Explore various music styles—from hip-hop to rock to jazz.

Topics We’ll Cover

  1. Level Designing:
    • Create captivating stages where performers battle it out.
    • Design interactive environments that enhance the musical experience.
  2. Animation:
    • Animate performers’ movements, expressions, and interactions.
    • Sync animations with the beat and lyrics.
  3. Audio:
    • Craft dynamic soundscapes.
    • Implement music tracks, crowd reactions, and performer vocals.
  4. UI:
    • Design an intuitive voting interface for the audience.
    • Display real-time results.
  5. Networking:
    • Connect players online.
    • Enable real-time voting and synchronization.
  6. Gameplay Ability System (GAS):
    • Create custom abilities for performers.
    • Add effects like power-ups or stage transformations.
  7. Steam Integration:
    • Enable cross-platform play.
    • Connect to Steam servers for seamless multiplayer experiences.

Why Battle of the Mics?

  • Creativity: Move beyond typical shooting games and explore the world of music and performance.
  • Engagement: Involve the audience in real-time decision-making.
  • Fun: Let the rap battles, rock showdowns, and jazz duels begin!

Stay Tuned!

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P.S.: If you want to watch the raw, uncut video for this tutorial, click the box in the upper right corner!